Inclusions in Rutilated and Tourmalinated Quartz
Rutilated and tourmalinated quartz have a similar look, consisting of long needle-like crystals oriented in various directions.
Inclusions in Sapphires
The most common inclusions of a pink sapphire are silk, needles, fingerprints, feathers, crystals or cavities.
Inclusions in Tourmalines
Boulder opals are a perfect representation of earth, sky and sea. The play of colour is rife and startling.
Inclusions in Boulder Opals
Boulder opals are a perfect representation of earth, sky and sea. The play of colour is rife and startling.
Inclusions in Unheated Sapphires
The inclusions of unheated sapphires draw you into this ethereal world of moiré fingerprints, crystals and three-directional silk.
Inclusions in Demantoid Garnets
Garnets are most commonly thought of as a brownish-red colour. However, Garnets actually occur in a number of differently coloured species.
Inclusions in Sunstone
Everyone has heard of moonstone, but what do you know about its lesser-known sibling, sunstone?
Inclusions in Zircons
Did you know zircon can be described as a geological clock that tells us about the early earth?